“Only if I could show visually impaired people the world I see!!!”

Youbesh Dhaubhadel
6 min readJul 11, 2022


I have not written for some while and have questioned myself about my very purpose and existence. I have been ruminating on the idea of why I click pictures and what I do of the photos I click. I definitely have a reason to become a “photophile” and a reflection of myself. Since I am a visual storyteller, I can freeze time, particularly as a photographer, and can capture someone’s smile in the image I make viewing through the viewfinder of my camera. I have absolute freedom to shoot whatever I want and I am an artist who distills the havoc and beauty that surrounds us, calling attention to the things we miss in our everyday lives. They call our attention to events and people at a great distance from my patch of the universe.

The most potent element of this universe is “time” that waits for none. It is the wisest counselor, and anyone waiting to hit the right dial gives the essence of the relativity of time. Some events are bound to happen regardless of any hindrances or challenges when it is meant to happen. Thus, nothing is more powerful than the time that is intended. I have several fights with my thoughts about fate. It does not mean I stop working for what I want to achieve. There can be slight amendments to a few of the things written in my fate, but would I be able to change the entire fate that is meant for me? I reckon not. Time flows, and we are just a part of it that follows life according to time. The essential fact of life is the realization and awareness of the time that has come defining the true calling of what we actually are meant for and knowing the purpose.

Know thyself…

But!!! I have this question & failure to show visually impaired people what I see and capture. I feel disconnected from people who can’t imagine and feel about what the real tangible world looks like with my shortcomings to how do I describe it to folks who can’t visualize what it appears in real. What & how would I describe the beautiful smiles that I witness & capture?

On December 23, 2018, to be precise, I met a superwoman, Buna Didi who gave me the warmth of her aura by her subtle nudge calling me out “Bhai”, asking how everyone was dancing, enjoying, and why wasn’t’ I participating? Then the moment I said I love seeing people dance and enjoy, but for her, she could experience the beat of the music with ears and visualize how she would want to but not what it existed.

Sharing frame with “Dynamic” Buna Didi. Read more at “https://dynamicbuna.com/

The tender gesture of her holding my hand and asking me to join the crowd left me astonished at how I view the world that exists for me rather than what I can imagine. I stood as a mere spectator to ponder upon things that were the reality and truth. The vision, and sight that most of us have and fail to acknowledge. I could witness countless experiences with my eyes, but it isn’t’ the same for someone. She gently asked me what I love doing; then I replied how I love photographing the moments and keeping them for life. She instantly replied “How beautiful pictures you would click with your camera?”, and the ones she shared could see the beauty I clicked.

There are several eyes such as Buna Didi’s in absence of vision and sight to witness the world while they are the happiest while they exhibit their greatest smile so others viewing the crescent moon on their face find a “reason to be happy” and cherish the moment we live in. I always wonder how would I describe anything I saw to such kindful souls. I will ask almighty someday I may be able to show the smile, the world, and the most beautiful things to the most beautiful people in the world.

I have had a chance to interact with one of my inspirations, titled God of Sight, Dr. Sanduk Ruit, who dedicates his life to helping people with cataract surgery at a meager cost of $3 in rural areas of Nepal. Thinking of the utmost satisfaction he imbibes after he makes someone able to view the world. I wish I could do the same if not at least have the ability to share the vibe of belongingness with them. I look up to him as a massively inspirational figure with his greatness to create such an impact. What must the true definition of satisfaction?

Many have eyes but what not vision/ sight.

I take pictures to capture a moment I want to relive over and again, living immortally. Maybe over time, it must have been an act of perfect depiction of anything, but for me, it exists for delight. A photograph is compelling because it is accessible to most of humanity. It has taught me how imperfect things are to manifest and embrace.

It’s time that is the master, and I am the puppet where my purpose as a photographer is to freeze moments within the time I live through. My photos not just remain still but also a living emotion depicting an event; it has reached places where I have never been. My photos are meant to exchange culture, religion, feelings, and life. They don’t just get hung on walls but also remind me of the beauty I once witnessed and share the joyous spirit. I have always been a hyperactive and complacent guy who doesn’t’ stay idle, but photography cultivates me with the patience and composure I would have otherwise struggled with.

From a dream sequence called life…

When I try directing my eyes and hearts with precision and honesty, I know what I view differently and better. I let the viewers look through my eyes. I feel an image is a poem about time, about “ staying in the moment.” Whether to capture life, immortalize it, appreciate its beauty, show genuine emotion, cherish a memory forever, evoke a reaction, share a beautiful moment, illustrate a procedure, preserve one, or relive history?

I’ll’ live a single life, but my photos would live many lives leaving upon the viewer to put meaning into. The process enacts total “freedom” without boundaries and expectations. While I always will think of my inability to show visually impaired people what I see, other than that I can do anything that I love in this life. I wish maybe my photos and the world that I view could be visible to those unable to, and I say I create music for the eyes but not for all who can feel it. I wonder if any technological innovations would come by to fill this void.

I wish the photos that I click with full of smiles and happiness be felt and seen by visually impaired people someday…

Purest smiles of children in Taksera, East Rukum, Lumbini Province, Nepal.
Can this Sani Nanicha-कें(younger sister’s) cute smile be matched?
“Hami sabai haschau, tapai photo khichdinu la”
From the moments of break, let's giggle.

Make sure you like my photography handle page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youbesh.dhdl

Instagram Photography Handle: https://www.instagram.com/youbesh.dhdl

Find everything on Linktree: https://linktr.ee/youbesh.dhdl



Youbesh Dhaubhadel

Watson Institute 2021 Fellow | MIT Bootcamp 2020 Alumnus | Photographer | Recipient of DOE International Award-Gold | Content Curator| Rotaracter | Toastmaster|