“J garincha Nepal ma garincha baki sabai aauchan Nepal ma herna lai to ...”

Youbesh Dhaubhadel
6 min readJan 27, 2023


First of all, a moment of silence to the tragic death of Prem Prasad Acharya who decided to take his own life on atrocious state when he set himself on fire and burn to death. May your departed soul rest in eternity and attain Nirvana. Can’t even imagine what must have led him to take such step to end the life to that extreme, the brimming situation of political instability, dictatorship, corrupted system or really making Nepal to loose the true value. If this doesn’t make the corrupted people realize the level of mockery they have done to the country then can go rot and no further words. Failed as a sovereign country & humanity at the core, there are several such Prem Prasad Acharya who go unnoticed and ignored.

Prem Prasad Acharya had taken to his social media accounts to post about the financial and mental breakdown he had been facing for years. The businessman stated that conditions were always unfavorable for him which prompted him to take the extreme step. He also mentioned how he had made multiple attempts previously as well but failed. The government hasn’t responded to the incident. #mygovernmentkilledaninnocent

J garincha Nepal ma garincha baki sabai aauchan Nepal ma herna lai.” to “Aba k garne Nepal basera ajhai”, this breaks all of us from the core.

“Nepal mai garchas taile, najjaa baira hami dui jana milera tahalka machauna parcha” that’s what @kishorkayastha exactly told to me apart from my mom, family. Yeah I’ll keep that tahalka of both of our duo for better days.

We all know how serious Kishor Kayastha K2 is but this particular shot is my favorite. ©Youbesh Dhaubhadel

@kishorkayasthak2 used to share about his experiences of how he could have left the country for other several priceless opportunities around the world but still why he chose to stay aback & do smth for the country through his strong narratives presented through his artistic photos.

Past 3 AM where I am right now & had a conversation with him just now, reminiscing the moments, conversations we had sitting past midnight at Bhaktapur Durbar Square & sharing about how the failed country killed art and not just art but many dreams too.

I remember @navesh.chitrakar Dai sharing how he wished to have done IELTS and left the country but they both have thrived in the country, done their best to represent the country through their means of photographing but what has been the conversation lately would be, dhatt mistake gariyo yo desh ma basera.

Kishor Kayastha asked me to connect & resonate with such lives with whom we spent few days, the children, the families & the communities & asked me one simple question, “Are you happy with your life or not?” while having several thoughts in my mind, I would say I am but… he wouldn’t agree to.

To the extent that while we say & express how happy we are albeit, we might not be but what I profoundly saw in him was the ability to be happy regardless of hardships, endurances, crunches in several aspects but he always shared how one can be & he truly lived by it by example.

Team Kishor, Imagine Nepal to Rolpa!

One project we did together he specifically wanted me to join #ImgaineNepal & make up a team to this endeavor filled with joy to reintroduce Nepal through visuals & I had no doubts in joining the team. One great awakening journey all set together as a team & admittedly great realization for all of us. I abstained a semester to come to so that I could travel teaming up to explore Lumbini Province and represent the country but there too the level of bureaucracy and inefficiency of concerned authorities made our job tough, @manish.maharjan444 Dai knows and shares it better of how we struggle to get the permits despite the required documents. We have conversations @abinbho regarding this and he is the one having that energy which I have mad respect to his choice of staying aback despite the talent he possess that stands around the world and he wishes to represent Nepal to the best possible way. @Darshan is one another guy whom I have great appreciation who decided to return back to Nepal who has explored film making avenues around the world but he chose to stay back and with the spark he has, with much gratitude he has lived to upto his mark.

The people we met were the real gems of the entire experience. Hands-down the best thing of the trip was with whom we spent time together as unknown but left with family aura all around the places we visited. People might say we couldn’t show the entire Lumbini province yet the march is still on.

I take this moment to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity & great learning experience. It was an eye opener for me what my country has to offer with so much but my failed government has killed many dreams and innocent aspirations that has led to brilliant minds to leave the country. It sounds way oxymoronic for me to write being on a foreign soil but Nepali soil awaits for greater things. The smiles, the joy, the welcoming spirit we witnessed throughout the trip will always be glued to what we Nepalis are known for.

Shifting Valley: Tale of Resilience by Kishor Kayastha. ©Kishor Kayastha

This is the film I watch it when I feel low and every time I rewatch this, I feel rejuvenated and makes me realize who we really are. I must have watched it thousand of times for real and would highly recommend to watch it who made this far reading up until.

Shifting valley is an observation of people functioning in the aftermath of the quake. It documents the monuments and life in the valley before the quake and reflects the aftermath. In 15 months of shooting, the film witnesses the resilience of the Nepali people and how they are trying their utmost best to continue on with their lives despite all the difficulties they have had to face in the past year. People are still working, fulfilling duties towards their families and their community, all the while abiding by their traditional rituals and living the life that ancient Kathmandu demands. ~KISHOR KAYASTHA

This is what we Nepalese truly are, this is our story of resilience, the hope we build after devastation, we lived through such tragic moment after Earthquake and Indian Economic Blockade but still we chose to live through with patience and that same patience must have backfired us. I don’t want to derail into politics and any rant wouldn’t be enough.


After all that sort of rant, what is left; the resilience, patience and hope is what keeps us all going. But enough is enough… I’m out of words😮‍💨



Youbesh Dhaubhadel

Watson Institute 2021 Fellow | MIT Bootcamp 2020 Alumnus | Photographer | Recipient of DOE International Award-Gold | Content Curator| Rotaracter | Toastmaster|