Personal Transformation Reflection Journal

Youbesh Dhaubhadel
5 min readSep 2, 2021


For me, the idea of personal transformation generates from the intrinsic realization of the representation we do of ourselves to adapt to the changes. It serves me to create space and exercise the freedom to enable an opportunity to reflect on the progress we envision to pave the path towards prosperity. The process of change accounts for the openness of one who wishes to indulge in making that step to redefine the way they frame an image to their back of the mind. An individual does have a different share of opportunities and challenges that molds their experiences. We tend to try painting a picture with “limited” colors in our palette, usually to find the “perfect” rainbow amidst the thunder and storm. Thus, it’s upon the person who walks into their own shoe they put on rather than trying to step into another’s shoe. The transformation regarding the different personalities and the changes one goes through matters to the journey they wish to choose.

The perfectionist trait has constantly reminded me of the upper spectrum section that I should have better outcomes as per the inputs. Maybe this attribute has fed me with all the audacity to always strive for the best possible results. We glorify success as the destination we wish to conquer but overlook the obstacles that come within, all waiting to clock run to the correct dial. It is inevitable to face certain situations which we aren’t prepared for, experiencing a massive blow to the mental, physical and emotional state of small minds battered by the traumatic conditions. The unanticipated “failure” in my life struck me with the inability to meet my expectations of doing good and excelling in a high school exam that I had never imagined would have failed. I had appeared in countless exams in life and had done well in almost all of them. From high up in the sky, I fell straight to the bottom- I had failed! Sudden thoughts and triggering questions flooded my mind, “Am I as incompetent as the scores suggest? Have I been enjoying more success in life than I deserved?” I felt this was one of my challenging times to console myself to the unexpected result; I convinced myself to expect more failures in my life; this is not the end. I didn’t escape from reality but considering this as a turning point of my life, accepting my weaknesses and taking charge of turning them into my strengths.

Amidst all of this, the essential thing I realized and accounted for the factors contributing to the transformation is to be humble and kind. Being humble allowed me the space to regain my strength and understand that it is entirely okay to fail in life. The term imposter syndrome resounded in my ears for some time, which resonated with my context to the loudest situation. I was inclined to equate success with reaching the top. Still, the induced realization was one of the critical factors for success. I consider redefining the mindset to reach the top again. Conflicts of thought in my mind didn’t let me stay calm, and I have come to classify myself often as an underachiever. At the same time, my past track record of achievements taunted me, put me in a position to rethink and in a doubtful space of questioning about my abilities. I reflected on the process that had led to the poor results and tried to find the reason for my failure without letting my insecurities and feeling of incompetence consume me. After all those rampant highs and lows of emotions in the world of hopes, expectations, and aspirations — the promises I made to myself to be kind to myself and accept what life had put on my plate. It allowed me to learn by putting effort into my endurance, consistency, and discipline.

Cognitive restructuring helped me understand unhappy feelings and moods and challenge the sometimes wrong “automatic beliefs” behind them. Those who do can do it because they accept their failure, learn from their mistakes, reinvent themselves and persevere until they achieve their goal. Learning from my failures has been instrumental in making me who I am. My choices and decisions in life arise from a deep acceptance of failure and an eagerness to learn from it. All of us fail in life, one way or the other, but only some of us make the most out of the experience of failure.

Outcome 1/ Perfection
Transformation = Outcome(Failure) + Realization + Effort ^ Time + Redefinition + Relevancy_____ i

We try to seek the outcome on the level of perfection, overlooking the improvisation factor and the rigidity we base our opinion on. The orientation of our action leaning on the result lowers the adaptation towards the change. Thoroughly, the inability to perform the activity as expected triggers the instinct of differentiation-inducing an opportunity to redefine the practices. Furthermore, we attempt to understand the course of change of flow in the process, which requires patience and courage to be believed.

Thus, all of these become coherent and bring meaning to empathy. We take this journey of reframing the image we represent of ourselves to draw a line to emphasize what’s more important and focus.

Education= Mastery + Identity _____ ii

Mastery makes people relevant to society. This is when we say, “The world has meaning.” Identity makes people pertinent to themselves. This is when we say, “I have meaning.”
But mastery demands long-term commitment, which is hard to justify in a world that feels uncertain and looks short-term. And many of us don’t, and we fall short of our true fulfillment.

The answer is the community, for it incites and it sustains identity. Communities protect us from fleeting vagaries, giving us long-term direction. They tell us who we are, which we must know to discover what we can be.

Paradigm Shift = Choices × (Transformation + Education) [i & ii]

These equations have redefined my attitude to bring out changes in the way I deal with the progression in my life and expect other people’s lives as this not only accounts for individuality but also precludes society’s well-being. It makes us relevant to the purpose of mankind and enables us to encompass the deeper meaning of discovery.

This accounts for the attributes to add value to life who aspire to leave their own dream, not living other’s dream. It makes more sense for the person who walks into their own shoes rather than trying to step into another’s shoes and who is receptive to change.



Youbesh Dhaubhadel

Watson Institute 2021 Fellow | MIT Bootcamp 2020 Alumnus | Photographer | Recipient of DOE International Award-Gold | Content Curator| Rotaracter | Toastmaster|